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Learning Through the Power of Place

The National History Academy is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for high school students to spend the summer exploring American History in a whole new way: through the power of place.

Five weeks
of discovery

June 24 to July 28, 2018

Students at the National History Academy will walk in the footsteps of leaders who helped define and shape the American story including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, Jr., and where soldiers fought for the birth and survival of this nation.

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  • Educate

    Educating the leaders of tomorrow to reflect on where our nation has been

  • Engage

    Engaging students in the rights and responsibilities of American Citizenship

  • Inspire

    Inspiring independent thought on the importance of history in our own lives

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Your Journey begins here

Experience history first hand at the National History Academy. Walk in the footsteps of leaders who helped define and shape the American story, and use their words as inspiration as you explore the meaning of history in your own life.

apply today